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Massage Stones


Treatments: Services
Swedish Massage


Recovery and Repair

Deep tissue massage is best for giving attention to stiff and painful areas of the body. Pressure is focused on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under the skin. Elbows, finger pressure, stretching and combinations of other soft tissue therapies may be used. This massage can relieve chronic tension and help with muscle injuries, such as back sprain.

60 mins - £60

90 mins - £90

120 mins - £110



Calm and Carefree

Swedish massage incorporates a mixture of techniques to improve your circulation, soothe your muscles and help you relax. This is the perfect choice to indulge in 'me time'. Long slow strokes to help calm the mind, this one may make you fall asleep.


60 mins - £60

90 mins - £90

120 mins - £110



Relieve and Reduce

Massage can reduce some of the discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as lower back pain, neck stiffness, leg cramps, and swelling caused from water retention. The massage will be performed side lying surrounded by pillows for maximum comfort.


60 mins - £60

90 mins - £90

Note: We do not recommend more than 90 mins and we are unable to treat you within your first trimester (12 weeks). Postnatal is advised to be booked after 6 weeks have passed. Please contact for more details.



An Ancient Science

Flaunted by Gwyneth Paltrow in a backless dress and by several Olympic swimmers, this traditional Chinese medicine practice temporarily leaves raised, red/purple circles on your skin. A heated cup is placed on your body creating a vacuum which sucks up your skin. This suction drains excess fluids and toxins from the muscle tissue, stimulates the nervous system, and brings blood flow to your muscles and skin. The immediate effects may look alarming, but it is a deeply relaxing treatment. It is said the darker the area, the more stagnation in the area. Cupping massage reduces the marking, promotes increased blood flow and warms the body.


60 mins - £60 (massage or static therapy)

90 mins - £90 (massage only)

Note: Can be combined with a deep tissue massage. Silicone cups and/or traditional fire cups will be use. This is dry cupping and not to be confused with wet cupping in which blood is drawn. Marks will remain for approximately a week depending on their darkness.

Bamboo Stick Massage


A Warming Release

Warm bamboo massage is a unique deep tissue massage which uses solid heated bamboo sticks of various sizes to apply long massage strokes which break down tension and stretch tight muscles. This treatment works especially well for runners and cyclists experiencing tightness in their legs, feet and IT band.


60 mins - £70

90 mins - £95

120 mins - £120



A Touch of the Exotic

A truly indulgent treatment, Lava Shells massage offers an idyllic treatment combining warmth of the self warming shells with massage techniques to ease away muscle tension, release energy flow and restore a sense of balance to the entire body and mind.


60 mins - £70

90 mins - £95



Light As A Feather

A therapeutic treatment that uses gentle, pulsing motions and long rhythmic strokes in the direction of your lymph nodes. It is said to boost the flow of lymph around your body, refreshing your immune system and flushing out toxins. As a result, it can help your body fight infection or speed up healing and recovery from illness, and reduce swelling


60 mins - £60

90 mins - £90



Stretching the Fascia

Fascia is a tough tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, nerve, and blood vessel in your body. Myofascial release is a stretching technique that releases tension and therefore pain deep in the body. It is used by therapists to treat some soft tissue problems. It is also called "connective tissue massage".


60 mins - £60

Note: Can be combined with deep tissue massage

Acupressure Neck Massage


Mind, Body and Spirit

Indian head massage comes from Ayurveda, an ancient method involving natural therapies, which takes into account mind, body and spirit. It works specifically on the area surrounding the head, neck, face, shoulders and upper back. It is said to help hair conditions, clear headaches, and reduce insomnia.



60 mins - £60

Note: Can be combined with a Swedish massage. Can be provided with or without oil.

Pressure Point Massage


Calm Your Mind

CBD (cannabidiol) massage is a type of deep tissue massage, good for improving the health status of an individual. Using CBD oil can alleviate stress, feelings of depression and anxiety, and can improve blood circulation and blood pressure. The oil calms your mind and makes your body more relaxed through the massage.



60 mins - £80

90 mins - £115

120 mins - £140

Note: This will not give you psychoactive effects. These products contain less than 0.2% THC.



Smooth and Renewed

The abrasive ingredients of a body scrub will leave your skin feeling luxuriously smooth and extra soft while clearing clogged pores and removing dead skin cells that can leave your skin looking dull. Once the body scrub has been applied all over, your therapist will wipe it away with a damp cloth, revealing your new, perfectly polished body. It is best to have a warm shower afterwards, to rinse off any excess scrub and to leave you feeling cleansed and refreshed.

The benefits of a full body scrub down are plentiful, and it’s known to be great for breathing life back into problem pores and dry, lifeless skin. A salt scrub or body brushing will be used.


90 mins - £110

Note: Can be combined with a Swedish massage. Beware, this may not be suitable if you suffer from any skin conditions or have sensitive skin due to the abrasive nature.




A facial is essentially a multi-step skin treatment that is one of the best ways to take care of your skin. It cleanses, exfoliates, and nourishes the skin, promoting a clear, well-hydrated complexion and can help your skin to look younger, feel firmer and refreshed.


Eve Taylor or Neal's Yard Facial

30 mins express (add-on only) - £30

60 mins - £55


Bellabaci Anti-Aging Facial 


A full facial using facial cups to reduces fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness.


60 mins - £60

Reiki Treatment


Natural Healing

Reiki is a non-invasive Japanese therapy said to use natural energy flow for health and well-being. It is used to encourage emotional, spiritual or physical healing and can be hands-on or hands-free. It is performed while you are fully clothed.


60 mins - £50

bikini bottoms


Get That Glow

Fake Bake is the UK’s leading salon professional self tan and spray tan brand. It gives an instant sun-kissed colour and guarantees a long-lasting, more natural-looking result. Naturally derived tanning agents Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), DMI, and Erythulose are combined to deliver that safe and long-lasting golden tan. Other self-tanners can often turn your skin orange, but Fake Bake's tanning agents will not turn skin orange, leave a bad odour or stain your clothes. Fake Bake's botanical ingredients contain no parabens and artificial preservatives, which means the tan will develop to complement your natural pigment with added benefits of anti-ageing, anti-cellulite and anti-oxidants. Fake Bake has become the choice of beauty experts and celebrities alike.​



Note: We use Original, 60 minutes or Gold

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